Phakic ICL Lens is the perfect treatment option for patients between 21 and 45 years old with a condition out of the scope of regular laser eye surgery.

The intraocular lens are implantable contact lenses that are surgically inserted into the eye where they provide excellent quality of vision with predictable and stable results.

Using premium Phakic Lens, we can also treat presbyopia and astigmatism. As a result, you can see clearly across all focal points and distances, often eliminating the need for glasses.

Phakic lens surgery is a painless 10 minutes process that guarantees perfect sight without the need to wear glasses or contact lenses.

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Why choose Praga Medica?

  • 100% pain-free laser eye surgery
  • Half price compared to other EU countries
  • No waiting list
  • Fully-equipped, Hi-tech vision clinics conveniently located in Prague, Brno, or Bratislava


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  • Free service package included with all May and June procedure bookings

  • Free one-night hotel stay at our partner hotel

  • Enjoy peace of mind with additional perks at no extra cost

Procedure details

The lens implantation requires a two-step process. Firstly, the patient comes to Prague for a preoperative examination. As the lens is tailor-made for each patient, you must pay the deposit before the order takes place. This first visit only takes one day, and the patient can fly back home immediately after the examination.

Six weeks later, the lens is ready for implantation. If there is an eye treatment, a two days stay in Prague is required. Otherwise, four days in the case of both eyes. The procedure takes only about 10 minutes per eye.

The ICL Lens Characteristics

The Visian ICL (Implantable Collamer® Lens) is one of the latest advancements in vision correction technology.

ICL is produced by STAAR, a Swiss company, and has been approved for use by the European Union and the US FDA. It is also referred to as Visian ICL in some countries. Visian ICL is positioned behind the iris and in front of your natural lens. The Visian ICL is made from Collamer, a 100% biocompatible material created and used exclusively by STAAR Surgical.
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How long do I have to stay in the Czech Republic?

The lens is custom-made to your specific prescription, similar to an eyeglass prescription. Each eye requires approximately 2 days, so expect 3-4 days. The implantation requires two separate visits to Prague. The initial visit is a mandatory preoperative exam that takes only one day to fill your prescription for producing the custom-fit lens. After 6 weeks, the lenses are ready to be implanted.

Brands of lenses do we use?

The Visian ICL (Implantable Collamer® Lens) is one of the latest advancements in vision correction technology. ICL is produced by STAAR, a Swiss company, and has been approved for use by the European Union and the US FDA. It is also referred to as Visian ICL in some countries. Visian ICL is positioned behind the iris and in front of your natural lens. The Visian ICL is made from Collamer, a 100% biocompatible material created and used exclusively by STAAR Surgical.

What are the side effect of using the Phakic

The most common side effects are visual disturbances such as glare, ghost images, starbursts, and halos when correcting a high prescription and may persist for several months. It can sometimes affect driving at night.


Treatment abroad with Praga Medica

We make it easier for English and German-speaking people to achieve a better quality of life through top-notch and affordable medical procedures in the heart of the EU.

Thanks to a personal approach, we guide the client safely through the entire process, choosing from a wide range of services to a smooth course of treatment.

We have become the eye surgery market leader with a long history of eye surgeries, high standards, and lower prices. We use the best technologies and methods, and the range of procedures performed each year gradually increases.